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Apollo 13 저자: Mind Map: Apollo 13

1. When one of the crew members on board of the space shuttle was told to stir the tanks he did so, and that caused the tanks to explode. So that is how the whole story starts with them stranded in space trying to figure out a way back home.

2. To me I believe the best way to have made sure they made it to the moon and back safely has to start with the tanks. At the end of the movie they find out that the problem started at least two years before they knew the crew for the flight. How they could have solved the problem was double checking every little component that to do with the space shuttle and making sure everything was working fine. That would have solved every problem that they encountered on the space shuttle and wouldn't have needed a miracle to get home safely.

3. Getting Home in One Piece

3.1. The crew had to brainstorm different ways as to how they were going to get home, such as going over test runs to see if they had enough oxygen, had enough amps to not blow up and so forth.

3.2. The crew on board Apollo 13 had to take on the task of doing exactly what the crew on earth told them to do. They also had to communicate with the crew on Earth to let them know that specific parts of their plan couldn't work how they wanted and they had to find a different route to take in order to stay safe.

4. Being Safe on The Space Shuttle

4.1. The crew had a lot of training going into their launch, and they kept practicing and practicing the same stuff over and over again to make sure they knew everything they needed to know in order to get to the moon.

4.2. One of the guys who was initially on the flight crew for space was not allowed to fly because he was starting to get sick, so they scratched him from the flight crew and got someone else.

5. Challenges That Came

5.1. When one of their crew members got scratched from the flight they had to bring a new guy on board who they said in the movie that he hadn't been in a space shuttle or flown one in some time. So they had to keep him up to date, and it even shows them practicing and messing up, but later on they figure it out.

6. Families and Friends

6.1. A big part of the movie was how they showed the astronauts family throughout the movie. In some parts of the movie we get to see into their lives and how they are really close to their families.

7. Problem Solving the Movie