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Video Games 저자: Mind Map: Video Games

1. How to edit

2. How to publish yor game

2.1. Can I do it by myself?

2.2. Will I need to pay

2.3. Do I need to get an ESRB rating before i publish?

2.4. If I need help who will I contact?

3. How to setup servers and multiplayer

3.1. Will I need to code?

3.2. Could people hack the servers?

3.3. What is needed to sign up to play online?

3.4. How can I fix bugs that can and will come up?

4. How to code

4.1. What coding source is the best?

4.2. Where can I learn how?

4.3. Is it better to code or use templates?

4.4. Will the game look better if I code vs use templates or game builders?

5. How do you get in touch with major companies

5.1. Can I get help from them?

5.2. Is it better to make an indie game or developer title?

5.3. Can i E-mail the company?

5.4. Do I have to go through an interview and powerpoint or not?