How do we fix content

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How do we fix content 저자: Mind Map: How do we fix content

1. Tracking, Tracking, Tracking

1.1. Start tracking what we have and what we need.

1.2. What do we track?

1.2.1. Track how many videos from each class each week. Be able to see all weeks back to start See each gladiators in each class and how many they have contributed. See totals for class

1.2.2. Track which videos are needed. Request videos to be required Assign video requests to gladiators Be able to see progress and tell when video is finished

2. What are videos worth?

2.1. Pay more?

2.1.1. Ideas For 2 months pay ALOT for videos. Until we get atleast 100 more.

2.2. Monthly payments?

3. Time it takes to train a new person to create videos.

3.1. Make it easier

3.1.1. everything in writing that they have to read

3.2. Make it faster

3.2.1. Resources available for them to get started makign videos quickly

3.2.2. Templates available to help them conform to our standards

4. What about patches.

4.1. How long will our content be relevante

4.2. After patch will we have content problem again?

5. Mass gladiators

5.1. Let's formalize and template everything so we can attract mass gladiators

5.1.1. Send out tons of invitations to gladiators

5.1.2. All gladiators will fill out application who are intersted

5.1.3. New node

5.2. How do we find them?

5.2.1. Look at top list of 100-300 gladiators send them all our email template and links to prices / resources available. Let them apply and if they can create good videos, that's great.

5.3. What happens if we get too many?

5.3.1. Quantity We specify that we only consistently accept videos from tier 1 gladiators. All other gladiators are at risk of having their videos rejected at any time.

5.3.2. Quality We have other people verify their quality / correctness We have users verify their quality / correctness Bring back the rating scales... If the video gets x rating then it's good.

6. Template everything

6.1. Template invitation to skill-capped.

6.1.1. Tells them about perks Profit shring affilaite Name recognition

6.1.2. Tells them about how much money they can make Concrete prices per video.

6.2. Fix application page.

6.2.1. Start accepting sampel videos

6.3. Have resources available for new gladiators to get started who have never used any editor before.

6.4. Good pricing

6.4.1. Make it desirable to sign on and make videos for us.

6.5. What do we want oru videos to look like?

6.5.1. Basic frameworking that gladiators can adhere to that will help them create quality content.

6.6. New VIDEO EDITOR and support resources

6.6.1. Video editor is holding us up big time, vegas is too difficult to obtain. Let's find other cheap viable solutions.

7. Lets get to an autonomous system.

7.1. User requested content

7.2. System for gladiators to fulfill user requested content

7.3. User validation of fulfilled content

7.3.1. When content is submitted, the requestors and other users validate it's quality. If a video isn't of high enough quality, then the content request stays up and is not fulfilled.

8. More content managers

8.1. Maybe we need more people out recuriting and managing content

8.1.1. Can we pay them?

8.1.2. Who will we use? Probably contributors and top players