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Teen Mindset 저자: Mind Map: Teen Mindset

1. About smartphone

1.1. Phone make us socially accepted

1.2. at the age of 12, we have our first phone

1.3. Talk about what they saw online

2. What they do with their phone

2.1. Watch videos online

2.2. Messaging apps

2.3. Social networking

3. Mindset about brands

3.1. Like to see others with the same age do something (in Ad maybe)

3.2. Go with famous brand because it has better CS

3.3. Go with unpopular brand because it's unique

3.4. Rarely go to store unless knowing the store has the product (from friends, family, and ads)

3.5. Like to see the pictures when we want to buy something

4. What makes products look cool

4.1. Friends are talking about it

4.2. See an Ad about it

4.3. Something personalized for them