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1990s Map 저자: Mind Map: 1990s Map

1. Newt Gingrich: led the opposition to clinton. He was a bold aggressive and not interested in compromising with democrats, he was significant because people thought he was trying to gain republican control.

2. Contract with America: was a plan that attacked big government that emphasized patriotism and traditional values. This was significant because of the large tax cuts made.

3. Bill Clinton’s Impeachment: proceedings on a number of counts all related to the intern scandal rather than to whitewater.Bill didn't have the number of votes so he could not be impeached.

4. NAFTA:The North American Free Trade Agreement was negotiated among the United States, Canada and Mexico for the purpose of removing barriers to the exchange of goods and services among the three countries.

5. Al Qaeda:is a radical Islamic group organized by Osama bin Laden in the 1990s to engage in terrorist activities.

6. The Brady Bill: was a gun control act named for presidential aide james brady, who has been wounded in the 1981 assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. This was significant because a bill was passed to increase funding for police.

7. 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing: was the worst act of domestic terrorism in American history. The victims included a number of children in a daycare center. This killed/ injured more than 900 people. This was a mass murder commited by forgin terriest.

8. Kenneth Starr: was a special procurator that was appointed to investigate the case of US court appeals. After 7 years of investigating he failed to come to a conclusion.

9. Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia:and Bosnian Croats were forced to flee their homes and were expelled by Bosnian Serbs; and some Bosnian Croats also carried out similar campaign against Bosniaks and Serbs.