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My Interests 저자: Mind Map: My Interests

1. Traveling

1.1. Outside of the US

1.1.1. Travel to other countries and help refugees.

1.2. Within the US

1.3. Beach Locations

2. Photography

2.1. Nature

2.2. People

2.3. Places

2.3.1. You can take photos of other places around the world so people that can't travel can see what the other places look like.

3. Reading

3.1. Magazines

3.2. News Articles

3.3. Books

3.3.1. Donate books to other countries where books aren't accessible.

4. Fashion

4.1. Makeup

4.2. Clothing

4.2.1. Start your own clothing line for whenever someone buys something one free thing goes to a child in need.

4.3. Shoes