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Instructor Roles 저자: Mind Map: Instructor Roles

1. Provide a diversity of ways that students are assessed, reflecting higher-order thinking and critical reflection. This could look like using visual applications like PiktoChart, Pixton or video editing software like WeVideo. (Sel Bariamichael)

2. Provide students with the tools they need to "think on their own." One way would be using student-centered instruction for students to teach each other. (Purvi Algama)

2.1. Promote student to student discussions by using online tools which will enhance scholars' grasp on concepts taught. (Jazmine Figueroa)

3. Ask students open ended questions in response to lectures or readings (Sophia Louros)

4. Provide multiple and varied types of activities and assessments, using diverse "cool tools", that address and differentiate for a variety of learning styles. (Juli Cardoni)

4.1. Pose initial questions and provide several resources for students to review, then allow students to post answers to a discussion board with dialogue. (Liz Allard)

4.1.1. Act as a support for students as they engage in discussion with each other, posting questions/answers as needed (Sophia Louros) Include qualitative assessments of student learning "by using rubrics that outline evidence of critical thinking ability and learner's ability to generate knowledge and make meaning of course material" (Palloff & Pratt, 2007, pp. 116). (Christopher Schotten)

5. Provide mid-week commentaries with ‘think abouts’ and end of week summaries to extend thinking/learning (dschnupp)

5.1. Encourage knowledge-sharing through interactive discussions (Nicole Weissert)

6. Technical

6.1. Help troubleshoot or guide students to Tech support (dschnupp)

6.2. Post answers to questions frequently asked by students to the whole class (Molly Hagan)

6.2.1. Create a system to allow students to easily ask (e.g., submitting a Google Form) and answer (e.g., accessing and posting on a class Google Sheet) each other's questions (Rachel Taub).

6.3. Provide students with tutorials for new programs used during the course and secondary options in case students are unable to access those programs (Andrew Giang)

6.3.1. Become comfortable and proficient with the technology used, then be able to use it and teach it to the students. (Liz Allard) In designing or providing instruction (e.g. tutorials) for students to best learn new programs, it is important to do so in a way that allows the instructor to receive feedback on student understanding and ability. In this way the instructor may better remediate with students, knowing exactly what help they still need. (Christopher Schotten)

6.3.2. Demo various tools that may be similar to each other, allowing students to explore the tools or platforms they feel most comfortable with (Sophia Louros) Give students the demos in multiple modalities (demonstrating on the projected screen, giving them written instructions, and posting video tutorials)

6.4. Allow students a sufficient amount of time to learn new programs (Nicole Weissert)

6.4.1. Have students develop their own check-for-understandings to demonstrate their understanding of new programs (Rachel Taub).

6.5. Have students design their own activity for every e-tool you implement. (Virginia DeWees)

6.5.1. Provide exemplars so that they can see effective use of a particular e-tool (Denver Guess)

6.6. Create a website for displaying student work, links to content, announcements, and contact information (Bennett Cognato)

6.7. Create a website for displaying student work, links to content, announcements, and contact information (Bennett Cognato)

6.8. Educate students media proficiency. Students need to know how to use the tools safe and effectively (Purvi Algama)

7. Pedagogical

7.1. Provide quick and meaningful feedback after completed activities and assessments (Molly Hagan)

7.2. Differentiate according to students' varying learning styles (Sophia Louros)

7.3. Use ongoing assessments such as formative ones, in order to determine next steps for teaching. Whether this means revisiting specific topics or using the information/data for small group reteaching (Daniel Guerra)

7.4. Provide students with interactive digital content such as flipped lecture videos and self-paced online learning modules for interesting topics they can choose (Bennett Cognato)

7.4.1. Additionally, these videos can contain background lecture information that students go can through at their own pace. For instance, providing a lecture with a powerpoint allows students the opportunity to go through at their own pace to take notes rather than whole group where students who get done early may engage in off task behaviors. (Tess Gibson)

7.5. Provide activities that will allow for whole brain demonstration of learning, such as arts integration or real world connection through expeditionary learning projects. (Patrick Williams)

8. Also assure that students have access to grade center; make sure that students are always aware of their progress in class (Sophia Louros)

8.1. Allow students and parents to sign up for alerts on grades or assignment updates such as in Google Classroom so that they are immediately notified via text or email of the students' progress. This task could coincide with the technical side as well #intersectionality (Annie Yin)

9. Managerial

9.1. Manage grade center/ track participation

9.1.1. Allow students opportunities to grade and track their own participation (Rachel Taub).

9.2. Set clear expectations for online interactions before start of course to promote a positive learning environment (Nicole Weissert)

9.2.1. And then monitor the students activities to make sure that they are adhering to these expectations. (Jason Braverman)

9.2.2. Explain to scholars the process of effective communication online. (Jazmine Figueroa)

9.2.3. Possibly reach out to students in a way that they prefer to communicate at first (email, text, phone call) to establish "Swift trust" and then move into new forms of online interactions (Denver Guess)

9.3. At the beginning of the course, create a clear and readily available agenda. This agenda should describe pacing and have calendar dates to keep students on track. (Megan Freel)

9.4. Update student grades in a timely manner and provide detailed feedback/ time for instructor-student review at least once a week. (Andrew Giang)

9.5. Provide resources and materials to students need to be successful in the course (laura dulla)

9.6. Use an online behavior tracking system to hold students accountable and share class data with administrators and parents (Bennett Cognato)

9.7. Provide opportunity for student choice. Students should be setting quantitative and qualitative goals and tracking their progress toward that end. Set up weekly reflection routines to give and receive honest feedback on said reflections.

9.8. Allow parents to have access to grade center to avoid consistent nagging and questioning about their student's grades. (Virginia DeWees)

10. Social- This section was inadvertently deleted. Instructor retrieved it and posted in bb course site announcement