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product 저자: Mind Map: product

1. navigation bar

1.1. home page , phones page

1.2. contact us page , sim only page

1.2.1. accessible on every page

1.3. pay monthly page

2. simple page design

2.1. eye catching

2.2. not complicated

2.3. easy navigation

2.4. appropriate for target audience

2.5. follows house style

3. phone reviews

3.1. detailed phone reviews

3.2. star rating out of 5

3.3. description of phones features

4. products being sold

4.1. samsung

4.2. iphone

4.3. chargers

4.4. earphones

4.5. sim only

4.6. pay monthly

5. videos

5.1. clear video

5.1.1. hd

5.2. accessible on all devices

6. big logo

6.1. attracts attention

6.2. stands out from he rest

7. images

7.1. HD

7.2. clear resolution

7.3. multiple angles

8. hyperlinks

8.1. all hyperlinks work and take yo to the correct page