Transitioning from active- duty military to a police officer at the state- level

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Transitioning from active- duty military to a police officer at the state- level 저자: Mind Map: Transitioning from active- duty military to a police officer at the state- level

1. What is the job outlook of becoming a police officer?

1.1. Compare number of police officer jobs modern day vs. historically

1.1.1. Encyclopedias, found at a local library. I could also use for reliable information.

1.2. Compare salary rate of police officers modern day vs. historically

1.2.1. Encyclopedias, found at a local library. I could also use for reliable information.

2. Historically speaking, how have former military members "held up" in the civilian police force?

2.1. Interview current police officers who were former military

2.1.1. I could visit a local police station.

2.2. Interview current police officers who aren't current military and compare and contrast the differences.

2.2.1. I could visit a local police station.

3. What are the similarities between an active duty service member and a police officer?

3.1. Research similarities and differences, then compare and contrast

3.1.1. Encyclopedias, found at a local library

3.2. Interview current police officers who were former military about the similarities and differences

3.2.1. Go to a police station and ask around

4. Is additional training needed for this career choice?

4.1. Research the entry level requirements of becoming a police officer

4.1.1. Encyclopedias, found at a local library. I could also use for reliable information.

4.2. Compare my current job requirements vs. potential job requirements of a state level police officer

4.2.1. Self- evaluate my current job requirements and compare them to those of a police officer.