PR Theories: Gruning and Hunter Models

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PR Theories: Gruning and Hunter Models 저자: Mind Map: PR Theories: Gruning and Hunter Models

1. Two Way Asymmetric Model

1.1. Feedback

1.2. Aim to influence audiences attitude

1.3. Specific target audience

1.4. Message goal is to get most effective reaction

1.5. Used by ardvertisers

2. Two Way Symmetric Model

2.1. Dialogue not monologue

2.2. Feedback used to change organizational practices

2.3. Brings about negotiation, conflict resolution, mutual understanding and respect

2.4. Find mutually advantageous solution to a problem

3. Tessa Shorten 17230320

4. Public Information Model

4.1. One way communication - Audience not looked at when constructing messages and releases

4.2. Used in government agencies, Military units and law enforcement agencies

5. Press Agency Model

5.1. Create news to influence public opinion

5.2. Maniupulate

5.3. One way communication- Between press and audience

5.4. Used to sell products and services without large result analysis