My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education 저자: Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Politics of Education Chpt. 2

1.1. Four Purposes of Education

1.2. Three Perspectives

2. History of U.S Education Chpt. 3

2.1. Most Influential Reform

2.2. Historical Interpretation

3. Sociological Perspective Chpt. 4

3.1. Theoretical Perspective between School and Society

3.2. 5 Student Impacts

4. Philosophy of Education Chpt 5

4.1. Pragmatism

5. Schools as Organizations Chpt. 6

5.1. District Stakeholders

5.2. Elements of Change

6. Curriculum, Pedagogy, and the Transmission of Knowledge Chpt. 7

6.1. Advocated Curriculum

6.2. Dominant Traditions of Teaching

7. Equality of Opportunity Chpt. 8

7.1. Class, Race, Gender, and Education

7.2. Coleman Study From 1982

8. Educational Inequality Chpt. 9

8.1. Cultural Differences Theories

8.2. School Centered Education Equality

9. Educational Reinform

9.1. School Based Reforms

9.2. Economic and Political Reforms