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EARTH 저자: Mind Map: EARTH

1. global warning

1.1. Co2

1.2. extreme weather

2. Life

2.1. Human

2.2. Animals

2.3. Insects

3. Beginning

3.1. Big Bang

3.2. Explosion

3.3. Damages

4. Pollution

4.1. Air pollution

4.2. Water pollution

4.3. Land Pollution

4.4. Soil Pollution

4.5. Noise Pollution

5. Facts about earth

5.1. The planet is recycled

5.2. The planet has a waistline

5.3. Earth is a squashed sphere

5.4. third rock from the sun

5.5. The planet moves around the sun

6. space

6.1. Planets

6.1.1. Saturn

6.1.2. Jupiter

6.1.3. Mars

6.1.4. Uranus

6.1.5. Neptune

6.1.6. Nine

6.1.7. Pluto

6.2. stars

6.2.1. Eridanus

6.2.2. Cassiopeia

6.2.3. Scorpius

6.2.4. Crux

6.2.5. Cancer

7. made of

7.1. water

7.2. sand