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ADDIE 저자: Mind Map: ADDIE

1. I. Analysis

1.1. Actions

1.1.1. Need analysis

1.1.2. Learner's analysis

1.1.3. Context analysis

1.1.4. Content analysis

1.2. Outcome

1.2.1. Formulation of Instructional Goals

2. II. Design

2.1. Actions

2.1.1. Visual and technical documentation

2.1.2. Application of instructional strategy

2.1.3. Creation of storyboards

2.1.4. Designing UI

2.2. Outcome

2.2.1. Designed Document

3. III. Development

3.1. Actions

3.1.1. Creation and assembling of content

3.1.2. Development and integration of technology

3.1.3. Testing and debugging

3.2. Outcome

3.2.1. Content in Different Format

4. IV. Implementation

4.1. Actions

4.1.1. Training to facilitators

4.1.2. Training to learners

4.2. Outcome

4.2.1. Access to Deliverables

5. V. Evaluation

5.1. Actions

5.1.1. Formative assessments

5.1.2. Summative assessments

5.1.3. Feedback from users

5.2. Outcome

5.2.1. User response to training module and suggestions for improvement.