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D.E.C.I.D.E 저자: Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E

1. define the problem: Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW. This affects my physical wellness because I am not getting the amount of sleep I need.

2. explore the alternatives:

2.1. 1. Record them snoring so they know how loud they are.

2.2. 2. Hit them gently to stop them for snoring.

2.3. 3. Move them to their side so that it could stop them from snoring.

3. consider the consequences:

3.1. 1. positive: They may finally understand that they are being too loud. negative: They may not believe you even though you have video evidence.

3.2. 2. positive: They could stop snoring! negative: They could get mad at you for hitting them in their sleep.

3.3. 3. positive: Again, they could stop snoring. negative: They could be mad that you touched them in your sleep, because I know if someone moved me when I were sleeping I would be a little bit angry. Also, I probably would wake them up.

4. identify your values

4.1. I don't really know how my values will particularly affect waking up my friends when they snore. I am a compassionate person, however I value my sleep.

5. decide and act

5.1. I think I would hit them gently, because it produces the least negative results and it could stop them from snoring.

5.2. There aren't any steps for this, I would just hit them gently in their sleep and see what happens, and hopefully it is positive.

6. evaluate the results

6.1. I don't think hitting my friends gently will get them to particularly hate me, they may just be mad at me for like at most a day. I think I wouldn't learn that much, except the fact that people in my homebase are loud snorers. If I could do it over again, if hitting them gently didn't work, I would try another alternative. It would help my physical wellness as I would get enough sleep.