1. Define the Problem: Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to...

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1. Define the Problem: Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW 저자: Mind Map: 1. Define the Problem: Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW

1. 5. Decide and Act: I think that out of all of my possible choices, I would go for number 2 or number 5, as they guarantee higher reward than risk, and it is a safer decision. I think that even though it may not block out ALL of the sound, it may be just enough to help me sleep, while I let my roommates sleep peacefully as well.

2. 3. Consider the consequences: 1. They will get mad at me for pouring water, also they probably cannot control snoring, so it has no reward and bigger risks. 2. Sleeping in the bathroom may reward me with blocking out the sound, and also I'm not disrupting my classmates. 3. Even though it might block out the sound, if I go outside at night unsupervised, I might get lost, and something dangerous might happen. Also, when teachers find out, I will be in so much trouble. 4. They might choke on the tissue, and it might turn into something more serious than intended, and I will be the one to blame for it. More risk than reward. 5. I will be able to block out most/all sound, without disrupting my room mates. More reward and no risk.

3. 4. Identify your values: I am a person who usually puts others first, so I don't think I would do any of number 1, 3, or 4, which all of these options have higher risk than reward. However, on the other hand, 2 and 5 mean that without disrupting them or getting myself into potential trouble, I may find a solution to block out the sound. This may benefit me and others so rewards for both of us. I also am a person that understands that snoring can be inevitable, so telling them to be quiet or "shut up" wouldn't change anything for the better.

4. 2. Explore the alternatives: 1. Pour water on them to make them wake up and then tell them to shut up. 2. Go sleep in the bathroom. 3. Go outside of the room and wander the hallways until morning. 4. Stuff tissue in their mouths to block out the sound. 5. get ear plugs and sleep as far away as you can and try to relax.

5. 6. Evaluate the Results of your decision: Since I would have most likely gone for number 2 or number 5, I would suspect that each of those would result in something like this. If I had chosen to sleep in the bathroom the rest of the night, I may have created a barrier between me and the sound without disturbing other people who are sleeping. In the end, it would be a good consequence for all of us. If I had chosen to sleep using earbuds, which is probably the most efficient as it benefits everyone without shuffling or moving during the night, I would have ended up sound asleep in silence, without waking anyone up. This helps me achieve optimal wellness as it creates no bad consequences for me or my roommates, being able to resolve the problem with no chance of risk.