Seven Aspects of Civilization

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Seven Aspects of Civilization 저자: Mind Map: Seven Aspects of Civilization

1. Government & Leaders

1.1. Shang/Zhou

1.1.1. When the leader died, his eldest son took place

1.1.2. Zhou had two famous kings, King Wen and King Wu

1.1.3. Shang had an army put together

1.1.4. Zhou overthrew the Shang community

1.2. Summerian

1.2.1. Had the first known written laws

1.2.2. Combination of monarchy and democracy

1.2.3. Credited for creation of goverment

1.2.4. Etana, King of Kish, was the first Sumerian ruler on record

2. Geography & Agriculture

2.1. Shang/Zhou

2.1.1. Among earliest people to practice agriculture

2.1.2. Zhou moved around a lot but eventually settled and practiced agriculture once more

2.1.3. irrigation was heavily used

2.1.4. Shang was right under the Yellow River. So they also had good, rich soil witch helped there community thrive.

2.2. Summerarian

2.2.1. Located in fertile crescent

2.2.2. Located between Tigris River and Euphrates River. Flooded very often

2.2.3. Domesticated and planted crops

2.2.4. Dependent on irrigation

3. Social Structure & Family

3.1. Shang/Zhou

3.1.1. When the leader dies, eldest son took his place

3.1.2. Had many farmers

3.1.3. Had large population

3.1.4. Had level of importance in community depending on different jobs

3.2. sumerian

3.2.1. Used caste system

3.2.2. Husband held the power in the family

3.2.3. Husband could have a second wife if his first one could not bear a child

3.2.4. Children could be sold into slavery

4. Economy & Trade

4.1. Shang/Zhou

4.1.1. Zhou economy was based on agriculture

4.1.2. More population caused greater wealth. Which led to people having to be merchant.

4.1.3. Merchant and trade became very popular.

4.1.4. System of money

4.2. Sumerian

4.2.1. traded goods for wood, wood was very scarce for them.

4.2.2. used slaves

4.2.3. traded wood, metal, limestone

4.2.4. money was in small silver disk form

5. Arts & Education

5.1. Shang/Zhou

5.1.1. Made roads and canals

5.1.2. Created chopsticks

5.1.3. Invented catapult

5.1.4. Casted bronze objects and artifacts

5.2. Summerian

5.2.1. Used Pictographc writing. Eventually evolved to cuneiform words and symbols

5.2.2. Made pottery, weaved, and worked with leather

5.2.3. Homes made of sunbaked mud bricks

5.2.4. Responsible for first known written laws

6. Science & Technology

6.1. Shang/Zhou

6.1.1. created tomb like structures

6.1.2. moon calendar

6.1.3. money system

6.1.4. developed tools and weapons

6.2. Sumerian

6.2.1. Developed metal working skills

6.2.2. Developed wheel, first made of wood

6.2.3. Used levees to control the river

6.2.4. Had and used math that we still use today

7. Religion

7.1. Shang/ Zhou

7.1.1. polytheistic

7.1.2. thought the wellness of crops and health/ well being of people were based on happiness of dead ancestors

7.1.3. Zhou had 3 realism of deities human ancestors terrestrial forces/ heaven spirits

7.1.4. Shang religion had animals and nature gods/goddesses

7.2. Sumerian

7.2.1. regarded universe as consisting of heaven and earth

7.2.2. thought dead desended to the "nether world" (underworld)

7.2.3. Polytheism

7.2.4. Four primary deities