SpOrTs AnD tHeIr EqUiPmEnT

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SpOrTs AnD tHeIr EqUiPmEnT 저자: Mind Map: SpOrTs AnD tHeIr EqUiPmEnT

1. SoCcEr: YoU nEeD a BaLl, ShIn GuArDs, GoAlS, uNiFoRmS, aNd SoCcEr ClEaTs.

2. MaRcHiNg BaNd: InStRuMeNtS, UnIfOrMs, AnD A BaNd DiReCtOr, AlOnG wItH bRaInS aNd WiLlPoWeR. An

3. CrOsS CoUnTrY: LeEeEeEeGs

4. SoFtBaLl: YoU nEeD a BaT, cLeAtS , a UnIfOrM, aNd A fIeLd.

5. PiNg PoNg: A PiNg PoNg BaLl, A pInG pOnG tAbLe, aNd tWo PaDdLes

6. I'm sorry that my "Acquaintances" are heavily biasedI'm sorry that my "Acquaintances" are heavily biased

7. FoOtBaLl: YoU nEeD a UnIfOrM, a FoOtBaLl, ClEaTs, ShOuLdEr PaDs ,AnD a FiElD.

8. BaSeBaLl: YoU NeEd A bAt, A bAlL, gLoVeS, aNd UnIfOrMs

9. BAsKeTbAlL: UnIfOrMs, ShOeS, BaSkEtBalL, GoAlS

10. TeNnIs: RaCkEt, TeNnIs BaLl

11. I'm sorry that my acquaintances are heavily biased (they will probably delete this)

12. This way

13. Keep taking the road straight to Exit 47

14. Construction Work Ahead

15. You will arrive at your destination in 5 miles