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earthquake 저자: Mind Map: earthquake

1. The tectonic plates of which the crust is formed are in continuous movement, but this one is usually slow and imperceptible.

2. , a great amount of energy begins to accumulate that ends up being suddenly released when there is a sudden movement of these plates. This energy appears on the earth's surface in what we know as an earthquake.

3. This type of quake, called tectonic, covers the vast majority of earthquakes that exist.

4. The cause of earthquakes is in the release of energy from the earth's crust accumulated as a result of volcanic and tectonic activity, which originates mainly in the active edges of tectonic plates.

5. The tectonic plates of which the crust is formed are in continuous movement, but this one is usually slow and imperceptible.

6. The other type of earthquake, less common, is the volcanic one, which is produced by the volcanic action due to the expansive force of the gases and vapors that produce explosions when the magma ascends by the chimney of the volcano.