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Assessment Types 저자: Mind Map: Assessment Types

1. Diagnostic

1.1. Assesment used to identify strengths and weaknesses to find ways to enhance learning for student.


1.3. Running Record

2. Interim/ Benchmark

2.1. Assessments that track student progress in the learning process periodically through the year.

2.2. MAP Testing

2.3. Running Record

3. Performance

3.1. Assessment type that requires students to perform a task.

3.2. Reader's Theater

3.3. Project Presentation

4. RTI/ Assessment Data

4.1. Student 1 is a student who typically participates in class discussions, makes connections between concepts, and grasps new content at a pretty good rate. For this reason I was surprised to see him score a 50 in his math district assessment. I looked into it and he was doing well in problems with diagrams, and problems with labels. When it would come to word problems, he was missing even the simplest ones! I realized that he is one of the students that get the option to take exams in English/Spanish because of their proficiency. He was given his exam in Spanish, and although he is fluent that is not the language of instruction in math-- we learn in english. I think that he is having a hard time with the actual questions and reading the problem. To help him, I will pull him during my CR to review key concept vocabulary in Spanish. I will also use more visuals, definitions, and examples when doing SVE of vocabulary as a class.

4.2. Student 2 is a new coming LEP student who speaks little to no english He is having a hard time keeping up with math because content is always taught in English. His district assessment score reflects this. In order to help him I plan on staying with him for tutorials to practice english skills. We will also spend a portion of the afternoon reteaching concepts that he may still struggle with, like using algorithms to solve math problems.

4.3. Student 3 misses class often and isn't always participative in class discussion. She is not grasping concepts and her 50 (something) on the six weeks test reflects that. I will be pulling her during CR for longer periods of time to work more closely with her one on one to catch her up. I will also send her home with practice of skills that we reteach so she can get some independent practice.

5. Formative

5.1. A type of assessment done throughout the learning of content to check for student understanding. Used to guide future instruction.

5.2. KWL Chart

5.3. Exit Ticket

6. Summative

6.1. High stakes assessment used to evaluate student knowledge of new concepts. Scores are compared to a benchmark or standard.

6.2. Six Weeks Test

6.3. STAAR Test

7. H.O.T

7.1. Opening

7.1.1. Label the parts of a multiplication problem.

7.1.2. Apply the content vocabulary in a sentence.

7.2. Guiding

7.2.1. Explain what would happen to a number that is being rounded to the nearest 10 if the digit in the tens place is 5 or above.

7.2.2. Compare and contrast the facts you have learned about coins.

7.3. Closing

7.3.1. What other concepts can you make connections to from this concept?

7.3.2. Justify your reason for selecting that answer.