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Slope 저자: Mind Map: Slope

1. Determining Slopes

1.1. Calculation Method: y2-y1 / x2-x1

1.2. Counting Method: Rise / Run

2. Definitions

2.1. Slope is a lines rate of change.

3. Differences between type of slopes

3.1. Horizontal Line= Zero

3.2. Vertical Line= Undefined

3.3. Straight Line going up= Positive Slope

3.4. Straight Line going down= Negative Slope

4. Try MeisterTask!

5. Formulas

5.1. Vertical change / Horizontal Change

5.2. Rise / Run

5.3. y2-y1 / x2-x1

6. Real Life Applications

6.1. Going sledding down a hill.

6.2. Going hiking

6.3. How much money you can get per hour