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Web 2.0 Tools 저자: Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools

1. Presentation

1.1. Padlet - blank canvas that provides space to brainstorm ideas

1.2. Prezi - presentation tool with a zoom feature to emphasize text and graphics

2. Quiz/Poll

2.1. Poll Everywhere - students use mobile devices to answer questions

2.2. Socrative - create quizzes, surveys, or games that are shareable with teachers

2.3. Quizlet - create flashcards, quizzes, and study games

2.4. GoFormative - teacher asks open-ended questions and students give live responses

3. Video

3.1. Educreations - create videos to capture audio and notes

3.2. Animoto - make a short video or slideshow to demonstrate learning

3.3. Screencast-O-Matic - capture video from your computer screen for visual presentations

4. Tutorials

4.1. Khan Academy - content and resources created by experts

4.2. YouTube EDU - videos with explanations for almost any topic

5. Games

5.1. Kahoot - administer quizzes through the game-like classroom response system

5.2. Quizziz - game-like quizzes to use as formative assessments