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Impact of Japanese Occupation. 저자: Mind Map: Impact of Japanese Occupation.

1. Social impact.

1.1. *Genocide* (mass murders)

1.1.1. estimated to 100k including men, women and children and especially the Chinese.

1.2. Slavery

1.2.1. Men were taken to work as slave labourer of the notorious death railway.

1.2.2. women were taken to work as sex slaves and were called "comfort women". where they would be raped by approximately 60men a day.

1.3. *Education *

1.3.1. May 1942 the ild colonial curriculum (Nippon Go) was removed.

1.3.2. There was a new school routine whereby children had to sing the Japanese national anthem and raise its flag.

1.3.3. The children had to partake in the Japanese exercise called Radio Taiso, they had to praise the Japanese emperor (praise- long live the king)

1.3.4. they learnt the Japanese language, taught and sang the Japanese patriotic songs

1.3.5. they were ordered to have discipline and loyalty to the Emperor.

1.4. *Starvation *

1.4.1. here was no food for the people of Malaya they resorted to unimaginable solutions to survive such as directly sucking milk from a goat, using coconut shells for begging. The Japanese kept all the rice produced by Malaya people to themselves.

2. Economic impact

2.1. *Forced labour* -

2.1.1. civilians were forced to hard labour in terrible conditions.

2.1.2. approximately 40-50 railway workers died everyday due to the tormenting conditions

2.1.3. 16 October 1943 the Burma railway was finished and more than 13k prisoners and 70k asian labourers perished during its reconstruction and more than half who worked there who were from Malaya never returned.

3. Political impact

3.1. *Japanese totalitarian state *

3.1.1. the Japanese had managed to take total control over Malaya.

3.1.2. They called themselves the "father" where the Malays, Chinese and Indians were to be its children.

3.1.3. the Malays being the favoured of the 3 and the Chinese being hated due to the Chinese who supported Kuomintang who had fought the Japanese.

3.2. *Removal of the communists *

3.2.1. the Japanese removed the MPAJA which was a Malay communist party put by the British.

3.3. *Evacuation of the British *

3.3.1. Feb 1942 the British colonial rule fled Malaya and the country was no longer under colonial rules

3.3.2. That was the Japanese's way of "liberating" Malaya and keeping "Asia for the Asians"

3.4. *Terror and intimidation *

3.4.1. people in Malaya were to obey the Japanese soldiers and if not this would lead to death by gun or being stabbed.

3.4.2. Civilians in Malaya had to bow before all Japanese soldiers.

3.4.3. The Chinese were murdered the most due to indifference.

3.5. *Time & Calendar change *

3.5.1. the Japanese calendar and time were adopted in Malaya

3.5.2. 1942 was changed to 2602, and all clocks were set to the time in Tokyo.

3.6. *Malaya was changed to Malai *