Narrative Essay

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Narrative Essay por Mind Map: Narrative Essay

1. My life in Canada

1.1. Happy times

1.2. Fun

1.3. school life

1.4. Outside of school

1.5. Fun with freinds

2. My family

2.1. Father

2.2. Mother

2.3. Brother

2.4. Sister

2.5. Grandparents

2.6. Cousins

3. Canadian Friends

3.1. Andy lo

3.2. Jeffrey Shefler

3.3. Kate McLaughlin

3.4. Alexes Athanosakos

4. Excited

5. Trips I went to

5.1. Niagara falls

5.2. Quebec

5.3. Montreal

5.4. Camp

6. Moving to Korea again

6.1. Not very happy

6.2. Saying goodbyes

6.3. Missing Everyone

6.4. Want to go back sometimes

7. Going to Canada

7.1. Fun

7.2. Amazing