02/23 - Theories of Adult Learning

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02/23 - Theories of Adult Learning von Mind Map: 02/23 - Theories of Adult Learning

1. Kolb Model of Experiential Learning

1.1. Model

1.1.1. Untitled

1.2. Developed in 1984

1.3. Resources

1.3.1. Psychology in Adult Learning

1.3.2. Mumford & Honey (translate the theory) One learning style is more dominant People have a favourite

1.4. Doesn't take into account the social nature of learning

1.5. Assumes people know how to reflect

2. Pedagogy & Andragogy

2.1. The Art and Science of Teaching

2.1.1. Science - Theories you use to teach content

2.1.2. Art - What you bring to teaching

2.2. Knowles (Andragogy)

2.2.1. Andragogy has disappeared

2.2.2. Used to refer to adult learning

2.2.3. Now we only use pedagogy to refer to adult learning

3. Metacognition - Thinking about thinking

4. Maslow's Learning Heirachy

4.1. Unconscious Competence

4.2. Conscious Competence

4.3. Conscious Incompetence

4.4. Unconscious Incompetence