Learning how to learn

This is an exercise to remember the Coursera course "Learning how to Learn" McMaster University

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Learning how to learn por Mind Map: Learning how to learn

1. Long term Memory

1.1. Einstellung

1.2. Excercise

1.3. Sleep

1.4. Memory Palace technique

2. Procrastination

2.1. Pomodoro Technique

2.2. Motivation

2.2.1. Acetylcholine

2.2.2. Dopamine

2.2.3. Serotonin

2.3. Zombie mode

2.3.1. Cue

2.3.2. Routine

2.3.3. Reward

2.3.4. Belief

3. Chunks

3.1. Illusion of competence

3.1.1. Test yourself to avoid this.

3.2. Overlearning

4. Working Memory

4.1. Focus mode

4.2. Defuse mode

4.3. Recall / Practice

4.4. Interleaving