How to save the rainforests?

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How to save the rainforests? por Mind Map: How to save the rainforests?

1. Causes of problem

1.1. climate change

1.2. mining

1.3. logging

1.4. agriculture

1.5. fire

1.6. urbanization

2. Solutions

2.1. legal reform

2.2. law enforcement

2.3. sustainable agriculture

2.4. sustainable forestry

3. Effects

3.1. climate imbalance

3.2. erosion

3.3. floods

4. Background information

4.1. Facts and statistics

4.2. Why are rainforests important?

4.3. History

5. Problem

5.1. destruction facts

5.2. species extinction

5.3. endanger indigenous people

5.4. global warming

5.5. loss of future medicine