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My Foundations of Education создатель Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Curriculum and Pedagogy, and the Transmission of Knowledge

1.1. Developmentalist Curriculum

1.2. I advocate Developmentalist Curriculum because it focus on the students needs rather than society. Dewey (1902) It also relate schooling to life experiences of each child which will help education to be more important to the students.

1.3. Dominant Traditions of Teaching

1.3.1. 1. Mimetic, (the root term is the Greek word mimetic) The purpose of education is to pass on knowledge to students.

1.3.2. 2. Transformative Teachers should be to transform their students. A teacher positive impact can help students to be more engage in school.

2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. Student -centered Philosophy, Pragmatism

2.1.1. Pragmatism, comes from the Greek word pragma, which means action, getting results and making something happen. Generic notion, Dewey's ideas were influenced the theory of evolution. He believe in progress, which he meant the attainment of better society through education. The school became an embryonic community, this is where children learn and experience new skills. Key Researchers: John Dewey (1859-1952), William James (1842-1910), Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Goal of Education, Dewey believe that vision of schools was rooted in social order. he did not see ideas as separate from social conditions. He thinks school should be a place where ideas can be implemented, challenged, and restructured with the goal of providing students with knowledge of how to improve social orders. Role of teachers, Teachers should not be the authoritarian but the facilitator who encourages, offer suggestions, questions and help plan and implement courses of study. Method of Instruction, Dewey believe students should ask questions because they learn both individually, for example field independent students, and in group. These students are field dependent. He believe that field trips and projects are integral parts of learning. Curriculum, Dewey believe that schools that are progressive follows his core curriculum or integrated which include, inquiry method and problem solving.

2.2. Schools as Organizations

3. Politics of Education

3.1. Purposes of Education

3.1.1. 1. Intellectual, this purposes of schooling is are to teach basic cognitive skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics.

3.1.2. 2. Political purposes, are to inculcate allegiance to the existing political order (patriotism).

3.1.3. 3. The Social Purposes, are to help solve social problem; to work as one of many institutions, such as family and the church (or synagogue)to ensure social cohesion.

3.1.4. 4. The Econimic Purposes, are to prepare students for their later occupational roles and to select, train and allocate individuals into the division of labor.

3.2. Liberal Perspectives

3.2.1. 1. The Role of the School 1.The school should be a safe and clean environment where students can receive fair and equal opportunities to reach their goals.

3.2.2. 2. Explanations of Unequal educational performance Not everyone one have access to opportunities or resources that will help them succeed, this is when society comes in and help the minority, by providing programs, resources and opportunities.

3.2.3. 3. Definition of Educational Problems The traditional curriculum leaves out the diverse cultures of the group, We are living in a world where diversity is playing a important role in our schools and society.

4. The Sociology of Education

4.1. Functional Theories

4.1.1. 1.Education is a important role in society. Functionalist view society as a kind of machine, where one part articulates with another to produce the dynamic energy required to make society work.

4.1.2. 2. Conflict Theory Karl Marx (1818-1883) Class is the main thing that cause conflict in today society. Not all sociologist of education believe that society is held together by shared values alone.

4.1.3. 3. Interactionalism This interactional theory is about the relation of school and society. It is about observation and understanding education in the "big picture."

4.2. Schooling on Individual

4.2.1. 1. Teacher behavior, A teacher should be reflective, because they have a huge impact on students lives. The teacher spend more time with a child than their parents, so teachers should be great role models.

4.2.2. 2. Employment Most students believe that graduating from college will lead to greater employment opportunities.

4.2.3. 3. Gender Gender has been a issue for a while now, whenever students or teachers refer to a different gender it can change or affect the learning environment for a student. No to gender discrimination, and yes to equality

4.2.4. 4. Education and Equality Years ago women were not allowed to get an education, only men. This was not fair for women. Women and men should have equal opportunities to education to grow and excel their abilities.

4.2.5. 5. Student Peer Groups and Alienation Some argue that school violence is increasing because teachers are underpaid and classes are too large.

5. Explanations of Educational Inequality

5.1. Cultural Differences

5.1.1. 1. African Americans deny their own cultural identities and accept the dominant culture of the schools, which is a white middle-class school. (acting white)

5.1.2. 2.Cultural and class differences (Ogbu's) are product of an unequal economic system, Which is modeled by the schools. Working Class and non-whites may arrive at school with different cultural dispositions and without the skills and attributes required by the school.

5.2. Four School-Centered

5.3. 1. School Financing: Inequality of funding not a moral issue alone but also political.

5.4. 2. Effective School Research: A climate of high expectations, strong and effective leadership, accountability processes, and monitoring of student learning.

5.5. 3. between- School Differences: school climate authoritarian or more student centered, different school environments allow student to dream different dreams, different life expectations.

5.6. 4. Within-School Differences: Curriculum and ability grouping, functionalist perspective- tracking is a valuable tool it is fair and meritocratic. Conflict Theorists see tracking based on ascriptive characteristics reproducing inequalities.

6. Educational Reform and School Improvement

6.1. Two School Based Reform

6.1.1. 1. School Choice: most public schools were failing in terms of student achievement, and discipline, then parents started sending their children to charter and private schools. These Charter and private schools are more safe, efficient, and students were excelling.

6.1.2. 2. Teacher quality: Every schools in America want the best teachers to be a part of their schools. Teachers who are reflective, caring, experienced, and highly qualified. The quality of a teacher have a lot to do with the students achievements.

6.2. Two Political Reform

6.3. 1. No child left behind: Most comprehensive federal legislation on education ever. Accountability-guaranteeing results, Flexibility- local control for local challenges.

6.4. Race to The top Fund (2009): To aid States in meeting NCLB. 4.35 billion- improving student outcomes and closing the learning gap.

7. Equality of Opportunity, and Educational Outcomes

7.1. Race: Where an individual goes to school and their educational outcomes is related to their race and socioeconomic. Their

7.2. Gender: An individual gender have a lot to do with their educational achievements. Women are said to be better students than men, men are likely to drop out of school.

7.3. Class: student who are from upper and middle class and student who are considered working class have different educational experiences. It is believed that the higher the class the family is, the more likely the students will succeed.

7.4. Coleman Study 1982

7.5. 1. Private schools are more effective schools than public schools, Public focus more on Standardized but private is more of a enforcer for discipline.

7.6. 2. Equality of Educational Opportunities: Minority schools which is mostly segregated African American, have a effect on students achievements outcomes. Where a person goes to school is often related to their race. A student should be given equal opportunities to succeed.

8. Schools and Organizations

8.1. School Process

8.1.1. There are cultural quantities in school, The memories of teachers and cafeteria. These are powerful cultural qualities of school that makes them so potent in terms of emotional recall, if not in terms cognitive recall.

8.2. School Cultures

8.2.1. The school is a unity of interface where there is different personalities bound together.

8.3. Federal Alabama Senators and House of Representatives

8.3.1. Senators Dough Jones (D), Richard Shelby (R)

8.3.2. Representatives Terri Sewel (D), Mo Brooks (R), Martha Roby (R) Bradley Byrne (R), Gary Palmer (R), Robert Aderholt (R), Michael D. Rogers (R)

8.4. State Superintendent

8.4.1. Akin Matthew

8.5. Representative on State School Board

8.5.1. Governor Kay Ivey-president, Stephanie Bell- Vice president, Dr. Cynthia McCarty serves as President Pro Tem. Ed Richardson-Secretary and executive Officer,

8.6. Local Superintendent

8.6.1. Dr. Matt Akin

8.7. Members on Local School board

8.7.1. Elisa Ferrell, President District 3

8.7.2. Walker McGinnis, Vice President of District 4

8.7.3. Beth Wilder, Third President Officer of District 2

8.7.4. Michelle Watkins, District 1

8.7.5. Pam Hill District 5