parts of a magazine.

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parts of a magazine. создатель Mind Map: parts of a magazine.

1. Cover this is the first page of your magazine, so in some ways, it's the most important.

2. Table of Contents. After many pages of advertisments, the table of contents serves as a quick breakdown of how the magazine is organized.

3. correctContributors/Writer Biography Pages. Generally 1 spread, this page serves to tell your audience about the writers

3.1. Task 1

3.2. Task 2

4. Letter from the Editor(s) This letter is in most magazines as a message from the editor about that specific issue. It is generally one page and includes an image relating to the message or of the editor(s).

5. Feature Stories These stories are long reads, generally 1-2 spreads. The writer has researched and interviewed to tell a factual story about a person, place, event, idea, or issue.

6. Think of alternative story forms as an infographic--lots of icons, graphs, charts, pictures and chunky text, not long form writing.

7. Advertisements Ads are a major part of any magazine, but we don't have enough class time to design all of them.