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What is Fair? создатель Mind Map: What is Fair?

1. Do you mean that if one person gets 50% off at a person gets 50% off

2. Everyone should have a safe place to live in.

3. If one person works hard and the other person doesn’t the person that doesn’t work shouldn’t get more than the other person.

3.1. I agree with this saying because I don’t think that someone Who doesn’t do a lot of work should get as much as someone who does a lot of work and does it well .

4. Fair is when people share everything and everything is distributed equally

5. If two people buy something together and spend the same amount on it then you both get 50% each

6. fair is when everyone gets the same only if they work the same amount

6.1. I think what fair is, is giving people the amount they deserve to have.

6.2. who judges whether or not they worked the same amount?

7. You get what you deserve.

8. Fair is when people get the same amount of money for the same amount of work

9. If you can't get what your need you can get it for free.

10. I think that fair is when you get something that you deserve for something you did either in the past or in the present.

11. You have to share to be fair

12. Some people do not have the same opportunity as others. This has an impact on what is fair.