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Bus Stop & The Choice создатель Mind Map: Bus Stop  & The Choice

1. Point of view

1.1. The point of view was coimg from a boy in school and from the same boy that was about a few years later. it was a first peron perspective.

2. Setting

2.1. When incident happened

2.1.1. he was a young boy "SITTING IN A CLASSROOM doing algebraic equations"(page 1) and saw out the window what had happened.

2.2. Years later(after)

2.2.1. The elderly lady and the boy were talking at a BUS STOP.

3. Characters

3.1. Main: Boy doing algebraic equations

3.1.1. Sympathetic He was sympathetic when he told the elderly lady that if everyone forgot about what happened, he didn't.

3.2. Elderly lady

3.2.1. Morunful The elderly lady was mournful when she was talking about her son when he died in a plane crash.

4. Plot

4.1. Intro

4.1.1. A young boy is doing math and all of a sudden he starts to hear sirens and the sound that the firetrucks would make.

4.2. Rising action

4.2.1. The sirens were for an incident that happened in the area. The boy saw smoke as if there was a fire in the area.

4.3. Climax

4.3.1. later on he found out that a plane had crashed. The pilot that was in training didn't survive the crash and unfourtunalty dies

4.4. Falling action

4.4.1. Everyone continues with their life except for the pilots mother. She thinks that no one remembers her son.

4.5. Resolution

4.5.1. The elderly lady/mother start talking to the boy and he tells her that "he was doing algebraic equations when this incident happened. That made the mom think that if everyone forgot, he didn't

5. Theme

5.1. The theme of this short story was that some people can't forget everything wether is good or bad.

6. This short story only had one literary device.

7. Literary Device

7.1. Foreshadowing

7.1.1. (Page 1)When the boy had heard the sirens in the area. He lived in a small town which made it not common to have major incidents. he said "there aren't many sirens in a small town"

8. Since the two were short short stories, they didnt have many literary devices.

9. They both had a clear point of view

10. One thing that was slightly harder to create was the plot concidering the stories were smaller than usual.

11. In both short stories, there was at least one character that was brave. In "Bus stop", the boy wasn't crying about the incident and in "The choice", William was very brave to change her dimension and time.

12. "The Bus Stop" was two pages long.

13. Characters

13.1. Character 1:

13.1.1. Slightly worried: Worried about how long Williams is going to be there for (in the future).

13.1.2. Curious: Curious about what happened to William when she went to the future and why she didnt remember anythong when she came back.

13.2. Williams:

13.2.1. Risky I wouldnt risk my life to see a glimps of the future.

13.2.2. Adventurous Taking adventures to places people haven't been to before.

13.2.3. Courageous It would take a lot of courage to go to a different dimention.

14. plot

14.1. Intro

14.1.1. William is getting ready to go to the future by preparing cameras notebooks, and tape recorders.

14.2. Rising action

14.2.1. She makes sure that her tape recorder is ready and prepares to leave her time.

14.3. Climax

14.3.1. She goes and comes back in less than 3 seconds. Character 1 felt like it was two seconds and William most likely felt like hours or minutes.

14.4. Falling action

14.4.1. When William comes back, she ends up not remembering anything that she saw during her visit to the future.

14.5. Resolution

14.5.1. She remembers only one thing and that was when she said no to remembering what she saw in the future. The story is left off with a slight cliff hanger.

15. Theme

15.1. The theme of this was maybe that you dont need to rush to see whats going to happened to you. Just wait.

16. Literary Devices

16.1. Hyperbole:

16.1.1. When character 1 said that she was going to maybe wait a very long time but in realitly she was back within seconds.

17. Settings

17.1. It seems as if the place william had left was home.

17.2. William had left during the night. ( while it was dark)

17.3. She had gone to the future but didn't remember any thing that happened. Nothing happened there. She left and came back.

18. There was only one. Literary device

19. Point of view

19.1. This story is told in a first person perspective

20. "The Choice" was only one page long.