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Citizenship Education создатель Mind Map: Citizenship Education

1. Westheimer

1.1. Teach ABOUT patriotism rather than demand it

1.2. Why? Kids need to learn about societal debates so that eventually they can take part in them.

1.3. Teach through discussion

1.3.1. Consider responsibility to others

1.3.2. Engages students by connecting to their own neighborhood and community

1.4. Teachers can...

1.4.1. Encourage kids to ask questions

1.4.2. Provide information (including competing narratives)

1.4.3. Root instruction in local contexts

1.5. Democratic Patriotism

1.5.1. Focus on country's IDEALS Ex: political participation, free speech, civil liberties, political equality

1.5.2. Primary allegiance is to these principles

1.5.3. Questioning, critical, deliberative loyalty

1.5.4. Care for people of society based on particular principles

1.5.5. Outspoken in condemnation of shortcomings

1.5.6. Respectful of, even, encouraging of, dissent

2. Parker & Beck

2.1. Democratic citizens MAKE democracy

2.2. Teachers can engage students in...

2.2.1. Decision making

2.2.2. Civic responsibility

2.2.3. Cooperative discussion

2.3. Educate kids on IDEALS of democracy

2.3.1. Encourage them to work to change ideals into reality

2.3.2. Including... limited government, rule of law, liberty and justice for all

2.4. Citizens can...

2.4.1. Critically think

2.4.2. Peacefully solve disputes

2.4.3. Cooperate

2.4.4. Tolerate others' views and allow them to be expressed