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ENG 100 SLOs создатель Mind Map: ENG 100 SLOs

1. SLO 3: Compose complex and well-reasoned texts that incorporate source material appropriately.

1.1. Identify the research process and the resources and services that are available at the Leeward Community College Library.

1.1.1. Information Literacy Exam

1.2. Identify when and how to summarize, paraphrase, or directly quote from research sources.

1.2.1. Quiz

1.2.2. Essay writing (compare/contrast, position paper, evaluation essay)

1.3. Apply MLA format guidelines to essays that use sources.

1.3.1. Quiz

1.3.2. Essays-- Compare/Contrast, Position Paper, Evaluation Essay

1.4. Identify and avoid plagiarism.

1.4.1. Quiz

1.4.2. Essay writing (compare/contrast, Position paper, evaluation essay)

1.5. Demonstrate writing techniques of an evaluation essay

1.5.1. Timed Essay exam

1.6. Demonstrate writing techniques of a compare and contrast essay.

1.6.1. Essay

1.7. Demonstrate writing techniques of a position paper.

1.7.1. Essay

2. SLO 4 : Apply to writing the rules and conventions of grammar, word choice, punctuation, and spelling.

2.1. Demonstrate correct use of the semi-colon, colon, apostrophe, and quotation marks

2.1.1. quiz

2.1.2. essays

2.2. Demonstrate the correct use of the comma

2.2.1. quiz

2.2.2. essays

2.3. Recognize and correct fragments and run-ons

2.3.1. quiz

2.3.2. essays

3. SLO 5 : Demonstrate effective use of study skills and college success strategies.

3.1. Explain the rules of Netiquette

3.1.1. Forum post

3.2. Create an introduction and communicate with classmates in the Introduction forum

3.2.1. Forum

3.3. Use the Leeward CC databases to find sources.

3.3.1. Essays

4. SLO 1: Use a multi-step writing process that includes drafting, editing, and proofreading while making use of written and oral feedback.

4.1. Determine the purpose, basic components, characteristics, and structure of narrative writing

4.1.1. Quiz

4.1.2. Forum posts

4.1.3. Draft

4.1.4. Peer evaluations

4.2. Determine the purpose and structure of the compare and contrast essay.

4.2.1. Quiz

4.2.2. Forum posts

4.2.3. Draft

4.2.4. Peer evaluations

4.3. Determine the purpose and structure of a position paper.

4.3.1. Quiz

4.3.2. Forum posts

4.3.3. Draft

4.3.4. Peer evaluations

4.4. Determine the purpose, basic components, characteristics, and structure of an evaluation essay

4.4.1. Quiz

4.4.2. Forum post

5. SLO 2: Write compositions, including an in-class essay on an assigned topic, that are appropriate to a particular audience and purpose. Texts will have a main point and supporting ideas developed with specific and logically organized details.

5.1. Demonstrate writing techniques of a narrative essay

5.1.1. Essay

5.2. Demonstrate writing techniques of a compare and contrast essay.

5.2.1. Essay

5.3. Demonstrate writing techniques of a position paper.

5.3.1. Outline and Annotated works cited

5.3.2. Essay

5.4. Demonstrate writing techniques of an evaluation essay

5.4.1. Timed essay exam