Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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EDU5EIW создатель Mind Map: EDU5EIW

1. Production

1.1. Shooting using storyboards

1.1.1. Stop motion / Chromakey

1.2. Recording voice using script

1.2.1. Garageband

1.3. Collecting sound and music for soundtrack

1.3.1. Garageband / Interwebs

2. Reflection/e5

2.1. VoiceThread

2.2. Glogster

2.3. Primary Pad

2.4. Wallwisher

2.5. Googledocs

3. Pre-production

3.1. Original Concept/brainstorming

3.1.1. Mindmeister

3.1.2. Googledocs

3.2. Scripting

3.3. Storyboarding

4. Post-production

4.1. Editing vision

4.2. Editing sound

4.3. Titles/captions/credits

4.4. Combining sound and vision

4.5. Export of video file

5. Publish

5.1. Wiki

5.2. Youtube

5.3. blog

5.4. Primary Pad

5.5. Voicethread

5.6. Wallwisher

5.7. Glogster