The World in a 100 years from now?

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The World in a 100 years from now? создатель Mind Map: The World in a 100 years from now?

1. Robot - good

1.1. They can help us clean

1.2. Or they can help os generally, with houseclean,

1.3. But maybe, if they're doing all the work, we're probably getting lazier and going to get fat, and that's bad for our health.

2. Flying cars?

2.1. Flying cars could be useful. You dont have to fly in airplanes, if you have a fly fear, or you dont have enough money.

2.2. They would be cheaper, and better to travel with

3. Robot - bad

3.1. Going to have control over every person.

3.2. Going to take over the world

3.3. Bomb the world.

4. Purpose of the cellphone

4.1. The phone could develop to be used as a computer. Like you only need a phone to use in example school.

4.2. The phone could take over control. Everything you do will be seen on the phone. And you will be watched, by your phone.

4.3. Not only tak over control, it will make you control your popularity. All the people you see, has to like you in 1-5 star, and if you only get 1 star by everyone, you'll be unpopular and that will have consequences.