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Assessments создатель Mind Map: Assessments

1. HOT questions: Higher Order Thinking Questions

1.1. Opening Questions

1.1.1. 1. Why is it important to know the author's view of Poppy before reading this book?

1.2. Guided Questions

1.2.1. 2. What type of text do you think this is? Why?

1.2.2. 1. What might being brave look like for a tiny mouse?

1.2.3. 2. What are some predetermined judgements of the animals in the book and how do they add to the plot of the book?

1.3. Closing Questions

1.3.1. 1. Is the way Poppy reacted, the way you would have reacted? Why?

1.3.2. 2. Based on Mr.Ocax's warning to the mice, what do you think Poppy will do next?

2. Formative

2.1. Definition: Way to gauge children's learning often, through informal testing.

2.1.1. Examples: Questioning, Exit slips

3. Interim/Benchmark

3.1. Definition: a form of testing to measure students against the grade level students and grade level goals

3.1.1. Examples: MAP testing, STAAR testing

4. Summative

4.1. Definition: a way to measure students at the end of a unit or 6 weeks.

4.1.1. Examples: Midterm, Unit project

5. Performance

5.1. Definition: this is a form of testing where students perform a task, rather than take a test.

5.1.1. Examples: Research based learning, portfolios

6. Diagnostic

6.1. Definition: this is a way to test students on what they know previously before learning something new.

6.1.1. Examples: Unit pre-test, or the K part of a KWL chart.