Digital Trends

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Digital Trends создатель Mind Map: Digital Trends

1. Experiments with expirience

1.1. Профиль

1.2. Дисконтная карта

1.3. Список покупок

2. Communacation 360

2.1. Chatbot in messengers

2.2. Omnichannel

2.3. Messanger

3. Hyper-personalazation

3.1. CRM-based advertising

3.2. Push-notifications by trigger

3.3. Personal coupons

4. Price savvy

4.1. Catalog

4.2. Disconts & promo aggregator

4.3. Cashback & External coupons

5. Planet friendly

5.1. S

6. Social media

6.1. Our Socials

6.2. New Media

7. External services

7.1. food delivery service

7.2. Postamats

8. Traditional Web

8.1. Mobile App

8.2. Websites