Improving the Economics of Video Delivery

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Improving the Economics of Video Delivery создатель Mind Map: Improving the Economics of Video Delivery

1. Consultancy

1.1. Dynamic Systems Development Method

1.2. Service Management

1.3. Strategy Navigator

2. SI Projects

2.1. IPTV

2.2. OTT

2.3. DVB - C

2.4. DVB - T

2.5. DVB - S

3. Value Added Reselling

3.1. Partner programs

3.1.1. CPE

3.1.2. In home network

3.1.3. Distribution network Satellite Cable Telco Mobile FTTH

3.1.4. Head end

3.1.5. OSS/BSS

3.1.6. Cloud

4. Services

4.1. Divitel Operating Center

4.1.1. SIaaS

4.1.2. MSP

4.1.3. SaaS

4.1.4. PaaS

4.1.5. IaaS

4.2. Application Lifecycle Management Lab.

4.2.1. DIVISIO (Operations Intelligence Platform) ODOL (operations data optimization layer) IPR's Licences

4.2.2. Automated Testing

4.2.3. Cloud Ecosystems

5. Value drivers

5.1. Recurring revenues

5.2. OIP

5.3. Dash board

5.4. Analytics

5.5. Manage infracstructre

5.6. IPR

5.6.1. workflows

5.6.2. Smart algoritmes

5.7. Integrate with third parties

5.8. Control, business control, quality

5.9. Lower churn