Начать. Это бесплатно
или регистрация c помощью Вашего email-адреса
Message создатель Mind Map: Message

1. Enemy in Common

1.1. No time

1.2. No Money

1.3. Economic

1.4. Goverment

1.5. Fed up with Guru

1.6. Google

1.7. No Opportunity

1.8. Survey thier enemy in commond

2. Targeting

2.1. Pain

2.2. Pride

2.3. Greed

2.4. Guilt

2.5. Gain

2.6. Fear

2.7. Struggle

3. Problem

3.1. Push emotional Button

4. Solution

4.1. Hey. That's for me

5. DRM

5.1. 40% Target

5.2. 3%

6. USP

6.1. Elevator Pitch

6.1.1. Problem

6.1.2. Solution

6.1.3. Proof

6.2. Sell Want, Give Need

6.3. Delivering WC X

6.3.1. Raving Fans

6.3.2. Create Theater around product/service

6.4. Offer

6.4.1. Value

6.4.2. Langauge

6.4.3. Reason to buy

6.4.4. Guarantee

6.4.5. Upsell

6.4.6. Scarcity

6.5. Options

6.5.1. Standard vs Premium

6.5.2. high ticket

6.5.3. Discount

6.5.4. Try before Buy

6.5.5. Unlimited Usage

7. Email Template

7.1. Gain

7.2. Result

7.3. FAQ

7.4. Logic

7.5. Fear

7.6. Review

7.7. Bonus email

7.8. Checklist

7.9. Final Warning

7.10. 60secs Hook

8. LF8

8.1. Survial, Enjoyment of life, life extesion

8.2. Enjoy food, drink

8.3. Freedom from Fear, Pain, Danger

8.4. Sexual companionship

8.5. Comfortable living

8.6. To be superior, winning

8.7. care, protection of loved one

8.8. social approval

9. LW9

9.1. to be informed

9.2. Curiosity

9.3. Cleanliness

9.4. Effiency

9.5. Convinience

9.6. Dependability/Quality

9.7. Expression of beauty, style

9.8. Economy/ Profit

9.9. Bargain

10. 17 Consumer Psychology

10.1. Fear Sells

10.2. Ego Morphing

10.3. Instant Credit; celeb, expert

10.4. Bandwagon Effect

10.5. The Means-End Chain

10.6. Inoculation Theory

10.7. Weapon of Influence.

10.7.1. Comparison

10.7.2. Liking

10.7.3. Authority

10.7.4. Reciprocation

10.7.5. Commitment (Micro)

10.7.6. Scarcity

10.8. Example vs Stat

10.9. Rhetorical Question

10.10. Talk about you and your competitor

10.11. Evidence, Fact, Figure, Testimonial, Endorsement, Chart, Research

11. 41 Ad Techniques

11.1. Simplicity. Short sentence

11.2. Benefits

11.3. Scarcity

11.4. Potent Headline

11.5. Extremely specific & descriptive

11.6. The power of question

11.7. PVA - Powerful Visual Adjective

11.8. VAKOG รูป เสียง กลิ่น รส สัมผัส

11.9. Ask for action. Easy to act.

11.10. USP

11.11. Authority

11.12. A sales letter in survey

11.13. Picture power

11.14. Offer testing

11.15. Survey power

11.16. Advertorial

11.17. Coupon