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MP - CIO Wes Boyer создатель Mind Map: MP - CIO Wes Boyer

1. Tools

1.1. JavaScript

1.1.1. PhoneGap

1.1.2. SproutCore

1.2. UPE Search

1.3. LSL Second Life Scripting

1.3.1. LSL Critique

1.3.2. LSL Portal

2. MP Active Sites

2.1. mpnodes.info

2.2. mpvirtual

2.3. realtimedelphi.org

2.4. realtimedelphi.net

2.5. mpcollab

2.6. mpcloud.org

2.7. gccsr.org

2.8. malaysia ci

2.9. futures wheel

3. First tasks

3.1. Survey MP Cyber Resources

3.1.1. Deep Dive into RTD

3.1.2. Deep Dive into mpnodes.info

4. Reading List

4.1. Build Mobile Websites and Apps for Smart Devices

4.2. Chromium Blog: Connecting Web Apps with Web Intents

5. MP Inactive Sites

5.1. wildfutures.info

5.2. futuresportal.org

5.3. mpdelphi.com