Assessment Activity : Graphic Organizer

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Assessment Activity : Graphic Organizer создатель Mind Map: Assessment Activity : Graphic Organizer

1. Ten Minute Math: This is a math question that can be answered fairly quickly by everyone. An example would be counting for Attendance.

2. Hand Signals: The teacher can ask students to show fingers or a thumbs up if they understand what the topic is covering.

3. Think-Pair-Share: The students will listen to the lesson and then pair up with their partner.They will talk about what they think is happening with the lesson.

4. Open-ended questions: Ask students questions to have them do thinking about the question on their own.

5. Create a Quiz: After the lesson presentation create a quick quiz and have students answer on paper for a grade.

6. https://www.edutopia.or/blog/5-fast-formative-assessment-tools-vicki-davis


8. Self-Assessment: Ask your students questions about the lesson and have them tell you what they have learned by explaining what they have completed.

9. Math Journal: Have students create a math journal that will reflect what they are learning by allowing them to complete this on their own.


11. Manipulatives: Using cubes, chips, shapes, coins, and other manipulatives to help students count, make relationships to numbers and so on....

12. Live Quiz Games: These Quiz games are available on the Smartboard and will help students with their skills, thinking and strategies.

13. Portfolios: Work that goes along with each Unit, collect samples for comparison with the standards for the entire year.