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Leadership создатель Mind Map: Leadership

1. Transactional Leadership

1.1. Focuses on the exchange between people

1.2. Followers are given reward for following leaders

2. Leadership & Power

2.1. Leadership viewed as power due to leader's ability to influence others

2.2. May have position or personal power

2.2.1. Position power is based on rank

2.2.2. Personal power is based on other's perception of their power (based on likability, etc)

3. Complexity Leadership

3.1. Strategies that promote learning, creativity, and adaptation in complex organizational systems

3.2. Complex process that emerges to produce adaptive change in a social system

4. Transformational Leadership

4.1. A Process that changes and transforms people

4.2. Leader creates connections and increases motivation

5. Evolution of Leadership Definition

5.1. 1) Early Definitions; Power & Dominance

5.2. 2) Influence vs Dominance

5.3. 3) Effectiveness & Relationship

5.4. 4) Influence, & Effectiveness

5.5. 5) Types of leadership, no ONE definition

6. Trait vs Process Leadership

6.1. Trait: Leadership is a set of internal characteristics that one possesses

6.1.1. Extroversion

6.1.2. Tall Height

6.1.3. Intelligence

6.1.4. Fluency

6.1.5. Born with the traits, not gained

6.2. Process: Leadership is an external transaction

6.2.1. Set of behaviors

6.2.2. Can be learned