The Kidney's Role in Homeostasis

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The Kidney's Role in Homeostasis создатель Mind Map: The Kidney's Role in Homeostasis

1. Through releasing HOMONES to regulate Blood Pressure.

1.1. Blood Pressure is a measure of how hard your heart works to pump blood through the body.

1.1.1. Juxtoglomerular Cells- cells that detect the Blood Pressure imbalances. Renin- a hormone that regulate Blood Pressure. If Blood pressure imbalances occur, Renin will be release to maintain balance.

2. Through altering Sodium and Electrolytes Balances.

2.1. Kidneys filter blood that contains sodium, potassium, others salts that are necessary for cell functioning.

2.1.1. Filtration Rate- will slow down or speed up to maintain fluid balance. If body needs more fluids, kidney will take in more fluids and produce less urine. If body has extra fluids, kidney will increase filtration rate which causes you to urinate more.