The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

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The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship создатель Mind Map: The 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

1. Digital Health and Wellness

1.1. Defintion- The elements of physical and psychological well-being related to digital technology use.

1.2. Appropriate- Being on the computer for a short amount of time.

1.3. Inappropriate- Being on the computer 24/7.

2. Digital Rights and Responsibilities

2.1. Defintion-The privileges and freedom extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them.

2.2. Appropriate- A group of stundents using more then one website to site things.

2.3. Inappropriate- A group using the same site the whole project.

3. Digital Communication

3.1. Defination- The electronic exchange of information

3.2. Appropriate- A student uses e-mail to send a project to the teacher.

3.3. Inappropriate- A student uses his or her cell phone during class to text a friend.

4. Digital Commerce

4.1. Definiton- The buying and selling of goods online.

4.2. Appropriate- A student does research of the product and finds a "safe" site to buy off of.

4.3. Inappropriate- A student buys the product off the first site that they find and they don't protect their information

5. Digital Law

5.1. Defintion- The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use.

5.1.1. New node

5.2. Appropriate- A group of stundents call someone and asking to use what they wrote.

5.3. Inappropriate- A group of students going on the computer and copying something from a website page and putting their name on it and handing it in as their own.

6. Digital Access

6.1. Definiton- Full electronic participation in society.

6.2. Appropriate- Using the computer at school to do research for a school project.

6.3. Inappropriate- Not letting a student use a school computer for research if they don't have access to technology at home.

7. Digital security

7.1. Defintion- The precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of their network.

7.2. Appropriate- Making sure everything is set to a privite setting so only the people you know can see it.

7.3. Inappropriate- Not setting it to privite so antone can see what you are doing.

8. Digital Etiquette

8.1. Definition- The standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

8.2. Appropriate- A student uses the technology to go on safe sites and do research for a school project

8.3. Inappropriate- A student uses the technology to go on websites for personal use.

9. Digiatal Literacy

9.1. Defintion- The capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it.

9.2. Appropriate- The use of technology during school when allowed to.

9.3. Inappropriate- Using it during class when your supposeed to be doing something else.