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Technology создатель Mind Map: Technology

1. Partnerships

1.1. Advancing Teaching

1.2. Districts

1.3. Universities

1.4. STEM Expertise

2. Improve Assessments

2.1. Problem Solving

2.2. Analytical Skills

2.3. Student Growth

3. Cross-Curricular (Science)

3.1. Language Arts

3.2. Mathematics

3.3. No Child Left Behind Act

4. Collaboration

5. Insufficient Technology

5.1. Funding

5.2. Accessibility

5.3. Lack of Engagement


6.1. For All Students

6.2. GAPS

7. Innovations

7.1. Effective Practices

7.2. Student Success

7.2.1. Motivation

7.2.2. Independence

7.2.3. Confidence

7.2.4. Self-Directed Learning

8. Professional Development

8.1. Relevance

8.2. Classroom Practice

9. Tool

9.1. Computer Software

9.1.1. Invitation to Explore

9.2. Universal Design (UDL)

9.2.1. Spell Checker

9.2.2. Websites

9.2.3. E-Textbooks

9.2.4. Captioned/Narrated Videos

9.2.5. Built-In Audio Software

9.2.6. Speakers

9.2.7. Voice Recognition

9.2.8. Word Prediction

10. Educators

10.1. Change

10.2. Afraid

10.3. Training

10.4. Support

10.5. Program Planning

10.6. Assessments

10.7. Commitment