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Addie создатель Mind Map: Addie

1. Evaluate

1.1. Understand if the session was successful

1.2. Do you need to make any adjustments to the presentation based on the feedback?

1.3. Do you need to make adjustments to the handouts based on the feedback?

2. Implement

2.1. Deliver it!

2.2. Provide support if necessary

3. Develop

3.1. Create it!

3.2. Prepare materials and activities

3.3. Include samples

3.4. Prepare assessment

4. Design

4.1. Identify topics

4.2. Identify learning exercises

4.3. Identify materials

4.4. Identify assessments

5. Analyze

5.1. Who is your audience?

5.2. What are their skills/goals?

5.3. What resources do they have available?