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Critical Walking создатель Mind Map: Critical Walking

1. Walking Artists

1.1. DADA - The Banal City (visit)

1.2. Surrealism

1.2.1. Revolutionary Re-Enchantment - Deambulation Surrealism (coincidence has a big value) - Ultimately the surrealists walk to discover themselves, not the city traversed nor the woman pursued. Brassai Breton Aragon: "At long last we were going to destroy boredom" - He would give anything for a chance to encounter novelty. "I began to mix the landscape with my words" Soupault

1.3. Situationist International

1.3.1. Guy Debord

1.3.2. Dérive

1.3.3. Psychogeography Labyrinth

1.3.4. Expect Anything Fear Nothing - The situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere

1.4. Francesco Careri - Walking as an Aesthetic Practice

1.5. Marina Abramovic and Ulai

1.6. Francis Alys - Sometimes doing something poetic can become political and sometimes doing something political can become poetic.

1.7. Elastic City / Todd Shalom

1.7.1. Participatory Walks

1.8. Janet Cardiff / George Bures Miller - Video walks, Audio walks

1.9. Hamish Fulton - Only art resulting from the experience of individual walks. A walk has a life of its own and it does not need to be materialised in an artwork. An artwork can be purchased but a walk cannot be sold.

1.9.1. "The walking is the constant, the art medium is the variable"

1.10. Vito Acconci, Following Piece (1969)

1.11. http://www.walkingartistsnetwork.org

2. Personal History

2.1. Walking on Mountains

2.2. Travel photography

2.3. Street photography

2.3.1. Cartier Bresson

2.3.2. Robert Frank

2.3.3. Flaneur

2.3.4. Eugen Atget

2.3.5. Andrè Kertesz

2.4. New Zagreb / Common Areas (urbanism related walking)

2.5. Variables Ocultas (psychomagic act, authomatic walking, game walking, alternative mapping, typologies, adventures, multi layered walks)

2.6. Stereowalks

2.7. Walking around Arunachala

3. Understanding the practice of walking within the arts from a critical perspective to contextualise my process as 21st century walking artist

4. Conceptual Art

4.1. Tehching Hsieh

4.2. Hans Haacke

5. Articles

6. Mental Health

7. Subjectivity vs Objectivity

8. Walking as a practice outside of art

8.1. Religious Pilgrimages

8.1.1. Oslo-Trondheim

8.1.2. Camino de Santiago

8.1.3. Pilgrimage to Mecca

8.2. Wanderers/Explorers

8.2.1. Masahito Yoshida

9. Critical Path

9.1. Buckminster Fuller

9.2. Apollo Project

10. Around Y-blokka (a video walk around y-blokka, to be repeated when the y-blokka is there no more)

11. Typologies of walks

11.1. Embodiment of Statistics

11.1.1. Walks on the border The life expectation walk The anxiety walk The civil status walks The ageing walk - from the yougest hood (Sentrum) to the oldest (Ulleval)

11.1.2. Walks between calculated relevant coordinates The increasing inequality walk The four populations walk

11.2. Walks between peaks

11.2.1. From flat to flat (cheaper to most expensive)

11.2.2. The highest immigrants populated centers

11.3. France - Insee − Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques | Insee

11.3.1. "Race is such a taboo term that a 1978 law specifically banned the collection and computerized storage of race-based data without the express consent of the interviewees or a waiver by a state committee. France therefore collects no census or other data on the race (or ethnicity) of its citizens." - Race Policy in France

12. Outcomes

12.1. Photographs

12.2. Guide Book

12.3. Paintings

12.4. Video and Audio material

12.5. Kiosk

12.6. Critical Cart

12.6.1. A tool to disseminate literature, publications, fanzines, posters, critical printed matter

12.7. Carpet

13. Statistics

13.1. David Spiegelhalter

13.1.1. Re-Contextualisation of Walking Strategies (these walks break loose from the statistics and are crossing the city in different ways) The Red Line (a Munch's walk between Ekeli, Sogn studentby, old Munch museum and New one)

13.2. Artists working with Statistics

13.2.1. Guerrilla Girls

13.2.2. Hans Haacke

13.3. Philosophy

13.3.1. Exploratory Statistics Baconianism Associationism Cognitive Calculi Phenomenalism

13.3.2. Confirmatory Statistics

13.4. Institutes of Statistical research

13.4.1. Norway - Statistik Sentralbyrå (SSB) Oslo: Statistikkbanken Oslo kommune

14. Critical Vehicles

14.1. Krzysztof Wodiczko

15. Critical Path to Multicultural society?

15.1. India?

15.1.1. Thomas Piketty on Census and Cast System

15.2. France?

15.3. Elimination of Statistics on ethnicity?

16. Critical Thinking

16.1. Spatial Theories

16.1.1. Henri Lefebvre

16.1.2. Michel de Certeau The Practice of Everyday Life

16.1.3. Jane Randall - Critical Spatial Practice

16.2. Frankfurter School

16.2.1. Habermas

16.2.2. Benjamin

16.2.3. Adorno