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Makeup everything создатель Mind Map: Makeup everything

1. home

1.1. brief view of what topic is about

1.1.1. brief description of website google form

1.1.2. pictures of different makeup styles that you can click on and will give you a description, product ideas with review link, and youtube video list.

2. contact

2.1. my info

2.1.1. I will use contact form provided to list my info for questions google form

3. about

3.1. detailed description of website

3.1.1. use flyers and post at makeup stores digital logo

4. refernces

4.1. list of makeup websites

4.1.1. links to websites to purchase specific items digital logo

5. what is offered

5.1. makeup tutorials

5.1.1. youtube videos

5.2. pictures of makeup products with description, how to use, and where to buy

5.3. reviews and ratings on products people bought

5.3.1. create a google form that allows people to share their thoughts about products digital photo editing

6. Tagline: Providing assistance to websites for products, makeup tutorials, and steps with pictures on how to use certain items the best way.