Upskilling in the PYP: What excites me?

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Upskilling in the PYP: What excites me? создатель Mind Map: Upskilling in the PYP: What excites me?

1. Student voice, choice and ownership for own learning - engaged, responsible, and building sense of self

2. Learning & given to teachers on how to better implement transdisciplinary learning and improving student outcomes

3. The learning community are the bridge to support significant, relevant, engaging and challenging learning experience

4. What are next steps for me, my role, my school?

5. What is my thinking now?

6. my feelings: I chose this song because I think it represents hope and inspiration for the future. Part of what we are trying to achieve in the PYP is the best for our learners...lifelong, engaging, active, internationally minded learners. So from that point we as facilitators always have something to learn...Here is to the next steps in the collaborative journey!

7. What else do I need to know? Who will I go to? Where?

8. What worries me?

9. Having enough time to develop my knowledge to support my school, teachers and shared pedagogical team to understand these changes

10. Personal learning will include: familiarising myself with documentation, the upgraded philosophy, and communicating this well, finding the right professional learning workshops to support this shift

11. Regular access to My IB portal to further familiarise myself with updated documents, review information etc. Going over the resources supplied by this workshop. Sign up for further webinars and future training. Reflecting with my Principal on what are measurable steps next.

12. I feel I have a better grasp on the changes ahead. That in part our school is already moving along this direction. I feel positive that the resources and tools the IB provides will support and acknowledge our next steps. I feel the responsibility to try and interpret this well on behalf of my school. I like that it hangs the framework around the understanding of the school's own context.

13. Start to raise awareness in my school with teachers. Are they all active on My iB portal, are they exploring information. Set up an inquiry session where teachers go in and share what they learn and know about the new enhanced PYP