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One to One Devices создатель Mind Map: One to One Devices

1. Direct contact with teachers & class

2. Equity

2.1. All have a device

2.2. All have *same* device

2.3. Research shows (Harper & Milman 2016)

2.3.1. Lower socio-economic students performed better than previously

2.3.2. "1:1 programs have the potential to reduce socio-economic and ability-based achievement gaps"

2.3.3. closing poverty-related attainment gap

3. Inclusion

3.1. benefit from international community of like-minded users

3.2. Adapts to learners' needs

3.2.1. Font size

3.2.2. Colour

3.2.3. Reading out loud

3.2.4. Dictation

3.2.5. Website reduction for cleaner reading

3.2.6. Photos & movies allow expression for those who find it hard

3.3. Engagement of learners not in school

3.3.1. VLE

4. Collaboration

4.1. enables online joint working in school and out of school

5. Teachers

5.1. Share resources

5.2. Create resources than can be adapted through the years

6. iPads

6.1. engagement in learning not possible prior to its invention

6.1.1. Virtual Reality

6.1.2. Augmented reality

6.1.3. Portable audio, photo, movie editing device

6.2. School environment

6.2.1. iPads change the spaces and mechanisms student use to learn.

6.2.2. No more computer labs

6.2.3. Learning & engagement can take place anywhere

7. Pedagogy

7.1. Increase in pupil-led learning

7.2. Increase in information literacy

7.3. Shift from logistical whole-class instruction to more individualised teaching

7.3.1. "teachers observed that technology enabled them to spend more time engaged in side-by-side coaching, one-to-one support, and providing immediate feedback to the students in the classroom, all of which are correlated with positive learning outcomes." (Liu et al., 2014)

8. Needs pedagogical change

8.1. Staff resistance to change

9. Over all school culture not supportive

10. Why do some schools fail?

10.1. Poor infrastructure

10.1.1. Requires integration in every curricular area

10.2. Poor teacher training

10.3. Desire needs to come from teachers

10.4. Staffing

10.4.1. it's not the device that makes the difference, but the staff

10.5. Traditional and fixed curricula impede integration of technology

10.5.1. CfE is not fixed so can be flexible to accommodate technology

10.6. Insufficient tech support

10.7. Insufficient WiFi infrastructure

11. What makes 1:1 work?

11.1. Requires curricular integration as well as technological integration

11.1.1. Curriculum needs to be designed with tech in mind

11.2. Need an understanding of the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy and technology

11.3. Curriculum can be a boundary or a gateway to tech integration

11.4. Time required for teachers to redesign curriculum leveraging iPads to support learning & teaching

11.5. Teachers' understanding of the device matters

11.6. Requires shifts in belief and behaviours at individual & organisational level

11.7. Creation of time for teachers to collaborate with each other

11.8. Correct culture in school

11.8.1. Safe to speak up

11.8.2. Take calculated risks

11.8.3. learn

11.9. Feedback from XMA

11.9.1. BPHS has perfect conditions to make 1:1 a success

12. Impact of 1:1

12.1. Not a magic wand

12.2. Accelerates learning

12.3. Completely dependant on teacher

12.4. From Harper & Milman 2016

12.4.1. Attainment Research shows attainment increases with device use 1:1 device pupils do better than 1:5 device pupils device more likely to be used at home Socio-economic barriers broken down in part at least Mostly to do with teachers' approaches Multiple researchers have shown "1:1 devices in classrooms can impact student achievement regardless of of students' SES <socio-economic status> or ability level."

12.4.2. Classroom experiences Encourages collaboration Promotes more sophisticated enagement extensive written expreseeion creativity multimedia presentations data analysis Promotes pupils' sence of empowerment & accomplishment relied less on teacher pace Greater relationships between pupils & teachers greater ownership of learning pupils communicated better with teachers Promotes greater differentiation differentiation in content

12.4.3. Learner engagement More creative responses to texts Increased in pupils from less affluent backgrounds

12.4.4. Recommendations

12.4.5. “Studies of student achievement indicated that schools facing achievement gaps related to ability or socio-economic status could benefit from 1:1 programs. Likewise, changes to the classroom environment cultivated by 1:1 technology implementation offered students more collaborative and individualized learning opportunities.”