3 MAIN STRATEGIC GOALS: 3rd rank of research , 1st of social impact, 50...

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3 MAIN STRATEGIC GOALS: 3rd rank of research , 1st of social impact, 50% improve at technology создатель Mind Map: 3 MAIN STRATEGIC GOALS:                           3rd rank of research , 1st of social impact, 50% improve at technology

1. agile strategic planning

1.1. research centers

1.1.1. action plan for each center (45) easy connection thru email making email groups

1.1.2. 12% budget to faculties, 88% goes to RCs?

1.2. faculties

1.2.1. action plan for each faculty (8) assign one manager for each faculty allocate budget for each educational department faster connection email groups

1.3. library

1.3.1. improving the journal situations having income indexing all journals

1.3.2. going scientometrics for the departments and RCs

1.3.3. MEDAD ranking

1.4. LAB network

1.4.1. depo of LAB kits

1.4.2. making LAB website & share the instruments

1.4.3. NGS/ ....

2. research centers programs

2.1. strategic planning

2.1.1. product & technologic oriented

2.1.2. attracting external budget

2.1.3. cost-effective planning

2.1.4. allocate higher percent of budget

2.1.5. using current affiliation membering of department's faculties

2.2. merging/ cancelling RCs

2.3. founding required center

2.3.1. NCDs

2.3.2. geriatric

2.3.3. social enjuries

2.3.4. road accident & trauma

2.4. staff

2.4.1. پزشک پژوهشگر

2.4.2. phd by research

2.4.3. post doc.

3. having seat in NIMAD & RAZI competition

3.1. RAZI

3.1.1. purnik, khamseh, mehdizadeh

3.2. NIMAD

3.2.1. khoie, kuchaksarie, nojomi, safa, musavizadeh, malakouti, eshrati,

4. research networks

4.1. health IT

4.1.1. مهندس کریم پور؟؟؟؟؟

4.2. NANO

4.2.1. دکتر پیرحاجتی




4.4.1. ؟؟


4.5.1. ناصر امینی

4.6. CTC-GCP

4.6.1. ؟؟؟

4.7. culture group

4.7.1. دکتر حسینی

4.8. MBA

4.8.1. مینائیان

4.9. monitoring team

4.9.1. باقر زاده، زارعی، نیک صولت، افشار، ؟؟، ؟؟

4.10. promotion of top ranking researchers

4.10.1. recognition of top ranking khoie, naserbakht

4.10.2. allocating more grant for them

4.11. collaboration with universities

4.11.1. عباس فاضل

5. Research for managment

5.1. cost effective research of RCs

5.2. comparative advantages

5.3. cultural studies

5.3.1. faculty members

5.3.2. the managers

5.3.3. the students

5.4. 2nd course of MBA

5.4.1. H-MBA

5.4.2. MBA/HSR proposals

6. gene therapy center

6.1. کار گروه دانشجویان - دکتر نکوئیان

7. infra-structure problems and challenges in UNIs. ranking

7.1. students research committee

7.2. cohort

7.3. ethics

7.4. library

7.5. comprehensive LAB

7.6. research staff

8. virtual ongoing training for managers

8.1. strategic goals & vision

8.2. planning

8.3. change management

8.4. coaching

8.5. collaboation

8.6. conflict management

8.7. crisis management

8.8. leadership

8.9. management skills

8.10. communication & negotiation

8.11. team working

9. Scientific Ethic Team

9.1. monitroing of Proposals

10. collaboration

10.1. zahedan

10.2. ilam

10.3. rehabilitation

10.4. working collaboratively with deputy of education

10.4.1. RCs affiliatin

10.4.2. allocating more budget to RCs

10.4.3. student committee affiliation

10.5. technologic UNIs ?? + RCs

10.5.1. sharif energy behavioral modification project

10.5.2. amir kabir delegation for technology council

10.5.3. modares delegation for technology council

10.5.4. hosseinzadeh

11. kohort, collaboration with RCs and departments

11.1. + RCs

11.2. departments

12. technology management

12.1. technology

12.1.1. raising the ranking

12.1.2. Using the budget of Tehran finance BOX

12.1.3. establishing 3 accelerator centers

12.1.4. new building of incubator

12.1.5. idea-coffee shop

12.1.6. private innovation fund body at IUMS

12.1.7. marketing porjects OF IC

12.2. Incubator Scientific team

12.3. regeneration center

12.3.1. BP

12.3.2. 3 startups

12.3.3. accelators

12.3.4. contract with padyab teb

12.4. technology park

12.4.1. stablish the council

12.4.2. develop the land

12.5. promoting funding bodies

12.5.1. karaj highway factories

12.5.2. new minute

12.5.3. delegation the contract

13. expanding the rooms

13.1. social injuries research institute

13.2. student affair

13.3. CTC, GCP

13.4. industrial office

13.5. 4 rooms for the 4 research groups

13.6. park office

13.7. MBA office, cultural office

13.8. monitoring office

13.9. scientific ethic committee

13.10. network office

13.11. SYSTEMATIC R. office